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Welcome to Healing Journey ~ Bienvenue à ~ Vers la Guérison


Love INTUITION energy VIBRATION Light    KNOWING guidance HEALING live BE gratitude GROWTH hope JOURNEY abundance FAITH forgiveness TRUST laugh LET GO see BELEIVE dance ALLOW move Truth CREATE art


Healing Journey ~ Vers la Guérison is a center that offers much more than holistic therapies. It offers hope, light, guidance and messages. You get that feeling of individuality, catering to your specific needs as you are receiving a treatment. Nathalie's mission is to help you better understand your body and your mind. Also, to teach you how you can shift your energies and your vibrations. So you feel more aligned emotionally, mentally and physically, to a healthier you.  TRUST that you are always guided and ALLOW yourself to receive healing wellness. 

A word from Nathalie


I have been in practice for over 30 years now. Wow, and I still love what I do and am so appreciative for my clientele. At this point in my career I am choosing to offer the services I am most passionate about, thus reflexology, energy work, holistic life coaching: guidance and personal growth. I am teaching Reiki and am now offering workshop classes in oil painting and in active meditation. In addition, I am letting my intuitive soul and wings spread a little wider, with so much more to offer.  


Know there is POWER in understanding our body and mind's connection, and in knowing what to do and how to help ourselves through many of life's challenges. Most know trauma, stress, triggers, being stuck, fears, grief and there can be comfort feelings from it all, almost welcoming it. But for some reason when it comes to happiness, harmonious relationships, and the abundance feeling, it is easily taken as a passage that comes and goes and self-doubt creeps back in easily. Why not learn to stay in the happy vibrations or get back into them sooner. Then learn to shift this to TRUST vibrations !


Please follow or like my Facebook page which shares healthy tips, guidance, messages, and links to other sites. There are so many wonderful beings that offer various knowledge, that I like to share their work to give credit to where it's due. I also have playlists on my YouTube channel where I share many of my favorite influencers work and informative and transformative videos. One thing for sure, I hope you move, dance, have fun, create and LAUGH lots and as much as I am through this wonderful gratifying journey called LIFE. 


love and light




Holistic Therapies

Workshops & Courses

Prife Iteracare Wand

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Find out what clients are saying about their experience with Nathalie. She takes pride on providing exceptional service and results that exceed expectations every time.

Thomas L.

" I had an amazing experience with Nathalie. She is professional, efficient and supportive throughout the therapeutic process. I highly recommend her services."

S. J.

''great services, enjoy my sessions every time. very relaxing''

S. B.

" Nathalie m'a offert une expérience thérapeutique exceptionnelle, m'aidant à retrouver l'harmonie intérieure. Son attention aux détails et son dévouement sont vraiment remarquables. "


" Je suis très satisfaite des traitements que je reçois. La réflexologie m'aide beaucoup et depuis, je me sens beaucoup plus calme et je dors mieux. Ses massages me relaxe bien et ses Reiki sont très appaisants. Merci pour tout ses bons soins.."
" On m'a aidé à trouver un réel équilibre dans ma vie. Je suis reconnaissante pour son expertise et son accompagnement dans mon cheminement vers la guérison."


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